LREC Assessment and Commander’s Key LREC Considerations Exercise If you complete


LREC Assessment and Commander’s Key LREC Considerations Exercise
If you complete

LREC Assessment and Commander’s Key LREC Considerations Exercise
If you completed an earlier version of RCSP 2A that did not have an LREC Analysis or you want to refresh your knowledge about incorporating sociocultural knowledge in the planning process, please review the draft MCRP 5-10.3 LREC in Planning to learn more about conducting an LREC Assessment. Document available at the following link:
This exercise builds upon the work you did in RCSP 2A with the LREC Analysis. As you recall, the LREC Analysis serves as the source document for the LREC Assessment, aggregating sociocultural information with potential operational relevance into categories. The LREC Assessment is the second product, which consists of succinct statements expressing the operational impact of that sociocultural information across the warfighting functions, mission types, or network types (threat, friendly, and neutral). The Commander’s Key LREC Considerations is the third product, which consists of a short list of the LREC Assessment impact statements deemed to be most likely to impact overall mission accomplishment.In this exercise, you will select one of the scenarios. The one you choose does not have to align to your assigned region or combatant command. Pick the one of most interest to you. Each scenario has a completed LREC Analysis. Use the information in the LREC Analysis to fill out the LREC Assessment and then from that assessment generate the Commander’s Key LREC Considerations. The Landuran LREC Assessment serves as an example to help you get started.
As you can see from the LREC Assessment template, there are multiple ways to conduct the assessment – using warfighting functions, mission type, or network type. All are valid methods and shape the way you would assess the information contained within the LREC Analysis. For this exercise, you are only going to focus on the warfighting functions.
Assignment outcome: The goal of this assignment is for you to practice using the tools and the process to better understand how culture informs potential courses of action, demonstrate the ability to align sociocultural knowledge to warfighting functions, distill a large amount of information into actionable impact statements to support decision-making, and select the most important sociocultural considerations for the commander, given the specific scenario.
Your instructions:
Identify a mentor who can coach you in this process and evaluate your work. Your mentor needs to be senior to you – one rank up, a commander, or anyone senior in rank or position.
Go to the RCSP 2B folder in the CRSS RCSP Library on MarineNet at: Open the Scenario folder and look over the five scenarios. Select the scenario that most resonates with you and your experience. You do not have to stay within your assigned region or combatant command.
Use the associated LREC Analysis to complete the LREC Assessment Exercise Worksheet, which you will find in the Scenario folder. You will also see there the LREC Assessment for Grasta, Rastidia, to help you know how to fill out the various sections of the LREC Assessment.
Use the LREC Analysis to create at least two statements per warfighting function in the LREC Assessment and identify two to five LREC Analysis items to support each warfighting statement. The LREC Analysis items represent where you found the information to support your assessment.
Rank your statements for each warfighting function in order of potential impact on mission, with one being most impactful.
Review your rankings and generate two to five Commander’s Key LREC Considerations for the given scenario. Make sure to note which warfighting function your considerations support.
Submit your completed work to your mentor for evaluation. You may work with your mentor to improve your work. Once you are satisfied with your product, have your mentor use the rubric to indicate your final score. There is a downloadable version in the Scenario folder.
Retain both your work and the completed evaluation sheet to email to the RCSP team once you have completed your reflective essays.



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